Delivery Days

First Delivery Day in Harlan, KY

On June 7, Find Your Rest (FYR) delivered its first round of bunk beds in Harlan, Kentucky. Our new ministry, based in Pevely, Missouri, traveled eight hours to deliver the beds to families in need. SCORE International Ministries organized the mission trip and placed FYR in Harlan. Once in Harlan, FYR partnered with a local baptist church who will visit the homes of these families in the future to follow up with the bunk beds, continue in fellowship with the families, and foster discipleship. A total of four beds were delivered to four different families along with several children’s Bibles. FYR highlighted the gospel and other scriptures throughout the Bibles and also gave the moms and dads devotionals to lead and encourage their relationship with Christ. The sizes of the families ranged from three people to 11, and they were all very grateful.